In the city of the Gonzaga family with Pisanello, Mantegna, Leon Battista Alberti, Giulio Romano... Between Lake Garda and Po Valley, where hospitality is sincere!
Mantua and Sabbioneta - UNESCO World Heritage since 2008
Italian Capital of Culture 2016
European Region of Gastronomy since 2017 (cwith Bergamo, Brescia and Cremona)Visit Mantua with us
City centre between art and history – The suggestive itinerary starts in piazza Sordello with the façade of the Ducal Palace and the nice internal squares, the cathedral and the buildings of the 14th century. The itinerary continues to piazza Broletto to admire the nice façades of Palazzo della Masseria, Casa della Stadera and Universitas Mercatorum, not forgetting to get a glimpse of Torre della Gabbia (the tower with a hanging cage). The following square along the itinerary is piazza Erbe offering the medieval façades of Palazzo della Ragione, Torre dell’Orologio (clocktower), the marvellous Rotonda di San Lorenzo (the round church St. Lawrence’s) and the House of the Merchant. The itinerary ends with the imponent Basilica of Sant’Andrea (the co-cathedral St. Andrew’s) designed by Leon Battista Alberti; the Sacred Vessels containing the relic called “Preziosissimo Sangue di Cristo” (Most Precious Blood of Christ) are kept in the Basilica itself.
The refined noble palaces – A dive into the past directly in the heart of the court life: the Ducal Palace and the Castle St. George with the famous Camera Picta (painted chamber) also called Camera degli Sposi (Bridal Chamber) frescoed by Andrea Mantegna. Furthermore, to conclude the itinerary Palazzo Te a marvellous villa designed by Giulio Romano and thought for the leisure of the prince.
The Prince's path – A pleasant stroll lead by our guides across the Rio (river) and running along the Pescherie di Giulio Romano (the ancient fish market). Proceeding to the Temple of San Sebastiano by Leon Battista Alberti and to Andrea Mantegna’s House, this path ends with the magnificent Palazzo Te.
Not only Mantua – Discovering the territory with its amazing places and glimpses: a nice cruise on the river Mincio or a visit at the Sanctuary Beata Maria Vergine delle Grazie in the small village called Grazie di Curtatone, close to Mantua. Another possibility is offered by Sabbioneta, the ideal and perfect city of Vespasiano Gonzaga.
Each proposal can be combined with tastings of typical products upon request. Contact us to have a CUSTOMISED PROPOSAL suitable for ADULTS or SCHOOL GROUPS. For info and reservations: +39 3402307925
ACuTo Cremonaguide – APS association promoting the cultural heritage for touristic purpose